"Great leaders do not tell you what to do, they show you how it is done."
Dear you guys,
My only reason for never giving up. I do not ask anything else, just promise if you will stay in the middle of my chaos and my hard times. Believe me, we can do this and show them how it's done. Do not satisfied fastly and afraid to fail, because the one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell. Trust me, you will never had that days again, you just can feel and remember what had done when it is done. So make it count, love the process and enjoy the path direct you.
Regards me,
person that 24/7 that always there for you.
Let me introduce them, who became one of my reasons for smiling up to this moment. Check our Youtube Channel below :
"One Team. One Spirit. One Goal" - PHOENIX 2017
BEM Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom .